Each year the Canmore Nordic Center is swarmed by thousands of eager people to participate in the 24 hours of Adrenaline race. It is a race that can be participated in a variety of different ways such as, solo, 2, 4, 5 and 10 person teams.
Depending on which category you enter into will somewhat determine the competitiveness of your team and the amount of effort/difficulty required.
The race Lasts for 24 hours, yep, that means night riding, which is a huge draw for people who wouldn’t normally go for a bike ride at night time.
Night time starting zone.
This is possibly the most enjoyable part of the race.
The finish tent and a competitor being greeted by Crazy Larry.
The overall atmosphere of the event is great, people come up for the whole weekend, setup base camps and have tons of fun.
Tent villages.
A great BBQ setup with tasty eats……
Alastair Jones getting his hot beef injection…..mmmmm.
Eric’s fancy Readneck wheel.
Becky Fizor’s Bacon “n” Egg gloves.
Rad Bike was not up at the race in usual format, fixing bikes, but more on a moral support mission and good times agenda.
This years event had a few nice additions, a beer garden, massages for donations by the One tree wellness girls and live music by local artists.
Eric trying to convince Jenna and Candice from One Tree Wellness to donate Rad Bike some massages.
Shane Phillips played some tunes.
A Bow Vally event would be nothing without Crazy Larry.
We headed up to catch the excitement, encourage all our friends and customers and help further the good vibes for all.
Steve Gaffney doing some repairs to keep his bike rolling.
Canmore local Adam Koebelthrows down some nice laps.
Matt Hadley waiting for his first night lap. Matt threw down the quickest lap of the race on his 650b Exprezzo bike.
Rad Racer, Scott Edmunds waits for one of his night laps.
Adrien wrenching away, keeping people riding.
Jolene spreading fun times.
Rad Rider Steve Nelson being blinded by flash……sorry steve!
Paul Ashton, one of the Nordic Center’s Trail guys enjoying some popcorn.
We ended up seeing most of the people we wanted to(sorry if we missed you) and getting some great shots while shouting out encouragement and having loads of fun.
Night scenes.
Though we weren’t there to fix bikes, we can’t leave a rider with a busted bike. Mid race/trail chain repair that helped this guy finish his lap without walking. Rad Bike!
Trails in the night.
Eric cheering on the racers halfway through their night laps.
In between cheering and bike repairs, we had time to do some sweet Trail Luge!
Here at Rad Bike we make sure that we’re having as much fun as possible and encouraging all around us to do the same!