Sorry, no posts from Aus.
During my first ride/race of the year i fractured my scaphoid in my wrist…..(massive non-smiley face)
Finished the race 46/380 Â so not too bad but that was the extent of my 2 wheel time down under.
On the healing train now, hoping to be back on my bike by mid to late May.
Maybe a trip here will cheer me up!
[vimeo clip_id="61015134" width="660" height="371"] [vimeo clip_id="64092289" width="660" height="371"] [vimeo clip_id="27526405" width="660" height="371"]
Anyone notice its not as dark out anymore? I have, and although we are not out of the woods yet I feel we have reached a turning point in the season…….and I want to ride my BIKE!!!!
While we are still a little ways off flip flops and t shirts in the park , there is still a feeling in the air that we are fast approaching dirt shredding season! I post these films for all of us to enjoy. Live vicariously through these bike riders for the time being. Soon… it will be ours…( maniacal laugh)
[vimeo clip_id="48784297" width="660" height="371"] [vimeo clip_id="57299640" width="660" height="371"] [vimeo clip_id="57727635" width="660" height="371"] [vimeo clip_id="52917382" width="660" height="371"] [vimeo clip_id="53038146" width="660" height="371"] [vimeo clip_id="53368680" width="660" height="371"]